Cap Verde to Saint Lucia
November 22nd- December 9th 2021
We took some days in Mindelo, not just for R&R, but also to get the code0 repaired (the tape had parted from the leech for a meter or so) and to get fresh foods.
In addition the trades were due to start in a few days and we decided to wait for them.
Yacht Skyfall left Mindelo on November 25th. Our departure time was aimed to give us time to motor clear of the Azores and arrive in open water and start sailing just as the trade winds would kick in. But it was still a flat calm as we left.
We used the twin headsail setup after the first day all the way to Rodney bay. It did make things remarkably easy and there was little to do for four experienced sailors.
Fortunately we had Noah and his playlists to entertain us. And I think I polished off two series of Downton Abbey.
On the first leg I had been impressed with how useful PredictWind had been, helping us to avoid the calms. On this leg the only routing advice required was like in the Marx Brothers film, 'Go West!'
Double click on a picture to get the story behind it. Enjoy!