Canaries to Cap Verde
November 14th -November 22nd
Skyfall stayed in Rubicon Marina from first week in October until mid-November. Paul and Sue enjoyed the sun whilst Tom went back to Belgium to 'sort things out'. Tjerk enjoyed the island.
But Skyfall's first Atlantic crossing was approaching. Paul, Sue and Annick placed themselves out of the frame with concerns over sea sickness. Sailing with two was probably possible but I felt more comfortable with back-up. And I was concerned how Tjerk's parents may react and whether he would be advised not to go with this 'dangerous skipper' who wanted to sail with two. Fortunately an ad on quickly landed me two new recruits, Simon and Noah. We met together for the first time on Nov 14th and on November 16th we were ready to go.
The sail to Mindelo was a light wind affair as the tradewinds had not yet kicked in properly. PredictWind was suggesting a northerly route to Saint Lucia would be fastest but, as a traditionalist, I ignored this advice and headed south 'until the butter melted'.
Below are some favourite pictures, each of which tells a story or has a memory (for us).
Double click on the picture to get the story